Networking at Deeper Levels - Mark Maraira

An article by Mark Maraia of Maraia & Associates, Inc. is a Denver-based relationship development coaching and training firm which helps professional services firms build skills one person at a time and in groups. Mark formerly practised as a lawyer.

Make a point of getting to know your contacts at a much deeper level. This requires making your best referral sources, top prospects, and clients feel that they are the most important person on your agenda.

Frankly, not many people take the time to be thoughtful. Putting others’ needs before your own might seem impossible with the demanding schedules professionals have today. Some people (maybe you) operate at full capacity 12 months a year. That is a prescription for burnout. However, it stands to reason that people in our network do have periods during the year when they are busier than normal – when it’s just not possible for them to reply to your messages. When a message to your client goes unreturned, it's natural to get frustrated. Some people might take offense: This is the WORST thing you can do.

Taking the time to learn when those busy and slow periods fall on the calendar of your clients and best contacts can be very helpful for improving your odds of meeting with people and deepening relationships.

Here is a test: Can you tell me the busy season for your top referral sources or your top prospects? For example, the last quarter of the year (September-December) is budget season for many companies. You may find some contacts will ignore you during this period because they are involved in an all-consuming budget process. Can you also tell me the slow period for your top referral sources and your top prospects?

If you can't answer these questions, here's a suggestion: First contact your referral's assistant and ask him these same questions. Most assistants will have great insights on these questions. Then select two to three people who are really important for you to get face time with and make a point of trying to connect with them during their slow season. An obvious example of this would be to try reaching an accountant (who is a top referral source) in May, June, or July. And perhaps, just as importantly, try to stay out of their way during their busy season in March and April, as well as in September and October when the late filer returns are due.

Once you know the times of year your top contacts are more available, you will have more success in actually reaching them. Making time for them when they have time for you allows you to deepen the connection.

Our clients have found that the more they network WITH a purpose, the more time others want to spend with them. The more time spent with people, the better the relationship. The better the relationship, the more referrals and business you will see drop into your lap. And if done well, this will enhance your selling skills.

One of my clients, an estate lawyer, recently discovered the value of spending some non-billable time with a client. She spent an hour explaining a very complex estate planning technique to a loan officer who does huge loans. This lawyer could have easily brushed off the loan officer with an excuse such as, "I need to get back to the office." (How many times have you heard yourself say that?) She later got a call from this loan officer to do his personal estate planning. This lawyer learned that "it's okay to give non-billable time." She reaped great rewards in two ways—getting more work and deepening her relationship with this client.

Ultimately, networking at deeper levels deepens relationships. When you make a point of showing your client he is the most important person on your agenda, you will get to know him at a much deeper level. Soon you will find yourself in his circle of trusted advisors.

I’ll bet while reading this article you thought of some referral sources and clients who deserve your follow up. When was the last time you checked in with them? Do they know how important they are to you? Take your networking to a deeper level and call them today! (Unless it's their busy period—in that case, put a reminder to yourself in your calendar, including the contact’s name and phone number, to call them when things slow down.

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